Friday, 15 April 2011

Taylor's Take on Day 8: A Lasting Impact

This same time last year, two week without walls groups came to Manila, Philippines, to the same place we are at now. During that time, one of their major projects was helping to build a house for a woman named Laling. When they left at the end of that week, the house was practically completed but there were a few things that had yet to be "polished up". This year, a few of the same students from last year came back to Manila and were able to go and see Laling's finished house just last Wednesday. It was really cool seeing the finished product of what we had started a year ago, and it was a nice house too. We were able to talk to Laling for some time and it was just awesome seeing how happy and appreciative she was. Not only was seeing the finished house cool, but seeing the kids we had met a year ago. Many of them still remembered us, and soon enough kids were coming out and getting reacquainted with us. While visiting Laling, we found out that her sister's house just next door needed a few finishing touches as well. The very next day we were able to go back and help them by hauling sand for the cement which would go to complete one of the house's floors. While working, memories flooded back to us as the kids swarmed around and wanted to play and even help us do our work. This was just like last year. This morning some of us were able to go back again to help haul the concrete bags and gravel, as well as mix some cement. By 11:00 they managed to pour the cement to complete the living room (/kitchen/dinning room) floor. Overall, it was just awesome to see old faces and be able to help out for an old friend. It was simply amazing to see that God used us to create a lasting impact in all of their lives.

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